[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: April 30, 2019

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Thu May 2 15:54:22 EDT 2019

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: April 30, 2019

1.      Thia Keppel

a.       Senior Staff

                                                              i.      Electrical incident last Friday

1.      Go over safety flash discuss lesson learned with your groups

                                                            ii.      May 7th is the Run Around

1.      It will have a special time reporting code

2.      Watch your emails for info

                                                          iii.      June 5th

1.      Martin Savage colloquium on Quantum Computing

                                                          iv.      July 11th

1.      DOE S & T one day visit

                                                            v.      Jeopardy plans we know so far....

1.      Submit an update (document optional), get 20 minutes to present case if experiment wants to be considered for continued approval

2.      Must let Susan Brown know if your experiments want this

3.      Probably all in one day during PAC

                                                          vi.      Schedule planning update underway

1.      Summer 2020 (June - December), running unlikely

2.      Work on gradient needed, etc.

3.      10.5 GeV assume for fall 2019. Be ready for 10.4

2.      Robin Wines

a.       PREX/CREX2

                                                              i.      Continue supporting installation

                                                            ii.      Collimator scheduled to deliver today (4/30)

b.      SBS

                                                              i.      Layout of SIDIS & TDIS to check use of other SBS equipment

                                                            ii.      Continue on Gen-RP

                                                          iii.      Continue on HCal and ECal

c.       MOLLER

                                                              i.      Support of Director's review

3.      Jessie Butler

a.       Continue with PREX installation

b.      Assembled the collimator in its housing

c.       Fit test pole shims inside PREX septum

d.      Put together and QA sky-shine shielding structure and concrete blocks

e.       Design alignment fixture for aligning the pipes inside Q1s bore

f.        Load test collimator and beam pipe lifting fixture

g.      Install additional shielding around the cryogenics VM crates

h.      Swap out and test new lead heaters on the magnets

i.        Worked on installing  electronics and communications cables

j.        Re-tune cryo following some instabilities in CHL

k.      Tritium is being packaged for shipping today. Hall closed, will be shipped tomorrow.

Stephanie Tysor
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Physics Division
Hall A Administrative Assistant
(office)757-269-6005<callto:757-269-6005> (fax)757-269-5235<callto:757-269-5235>

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