[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: April 21, 2020

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Tue Apr 28 08:18:55 EDT 2020

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: April 21, 2020

  1.  Thia Keppel
     *   New Hall A/C Post Doc search completes this week
     *   Senior Staff
        *   Training for engineers a success (94 attendees)
           *   Others are welcome
        *   PEMP input in (relevant for lab management reporting)
        *   Tonight is computer maintenance night – reboots, etc may be needed
        *   EHS&Q trying to collect PPE info
        *   Drafting now how to return to work….preparatory, not immediate
           *   Need to think about how to be safe
        *   JSA approved the lab’s Virginia funds use request
        *   Virtual onboarding progresses (consultant for out-of-state taxes)
           *   Expect final “Mid May”
           *   Need to prioritize
           *   Will continue to be an issue for non-U.S. beyond May
        *   Sept 9,10 EIC CD-1 mini review
        *   MOLLER CD-1 review assumed ~ July
        *   PAC to be moved to 8/10-14
           *   In person or remote not yet decided
           *   Deadline for all submissions now will be June 22
           *   On web site, email to come today
        *   Daily attendance – good job staying remote! (high bar)
        *   Dr. Chandler counseled waiting at least until next week to see if Virginia is past the maximum incidences
  2.  Robin Wines
     *   SBS
        *   assembly parts for GEn-RP ordered, still working on cost estimates for remaining assemblies. Going to submit remaining as 4 procurements to local fabrication shops, 29 items to fabricate.
        *   reviewed extra parts needed to change from beamline 3 to beamline 4 during GMn run to minimize ALARA.
        *   working on installation plan with technicians for tower and beamline install. Trying to resolve sequence and alignment scenarios.
        *   Reviewed HRS-BR disconnect from cryo can with technician
        *   LCW-completed review of manifold frame, lower manifold drawings completed and in review, hanger drawings complete and reviewed
        *   met with alignment staff to discuss alignment data requirements
        *   remodelling ECal patform
        *   arranged shipping of floor plates from vendor to Jlab
        *   reviewing needs of post-GMn SBS experiments
     *   MOLLER- reviewing installation estimates for each CAM to compile as overall installation needs, spectrometer team  inquiries on  beam dump
     *   SoLID- preparation for CLEO coil test, layout was converted from old CAD software to new so design efforts can continue now, fielding questions on magnet and structure design
  3.  Jessie Butler
     *   Worked on SBS scheduling with Robin and her team reviewing drawing for SBS.
     *   Worked on MOLLER risk assesment
     *   Part of the team that does walk-thru of Physics Division spaces.
     *   Technical team:
        *    Continue working on summer down planning and procedures for decommissioning RHRS.
        *   Continue reviewing and updating information on the Hall A Tech webpage.
        *   Review drawings from the design staff.
        *   Spent a few hours looking over the cryo system in the hall remotely.
        *   Reviewed welding OSP.
        *   Cryo cross-training (remote).
     *   Additional Notes:
        *   Held a (BlueJeans) tech staff meeting on Wednesday to discuss potential work that can be done remotely.
        *   We also discussed SBS installation equipment alignment plans.
  4.  Jack Segal
     *   Setting up some RPi's to do time lapse during the SBS work.
     *   Odd problems: dead fans, poor gas cylinder organization, misplaced components, organizing parts, old maintenance issues forgotten, spiders in Phys Storage,..!

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A/C Administrative Assistant
Physics Division
Jefferson Lab

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