[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: April 7, 2020

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Tue Apr 21 16:53:42 EDT 2020

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: April 7, 2020

  1.  Thia Keppel
     *   Reminder – please go to A/C Postdoc interview remote talks
     *   Senior Staff Meeting
        *   DOE seriously talking about accountability drill Thursday – be aware and ready!
        *   Considering if we will have SLLP program this year
        *   Facilities working on labyrinth issue in Hall A
           *   Waiting for parts
        *   Stuart @ BNL working on partnering agreement, almost there
           *   This year ~ $3.5M to Jlab, ~ $6M to BNL
           *   Lab anticipating getting a piece of experimental equipment
           *   Rolf & Elke to document & work on experimental equipment
        *   LDRD – 2 changes:
           *   Quantum Information Service of interest, targeted budget
           *   Double the amount!
           *   Get budgets to Susan ASAP
        *   Access Numbers
           *   Weekends ~ 20
           *   Weekdays ~ 60
           *   These are security, cleaning, etc… only 3-4 from Physics
           *   Mostly short (pick up laptop, etc.)
           *   We’re doing well staying away!
        *   Sick leave down, PHE up
           *   Use your leave appropriately! Vacation and sick should be vacation and sick still
           *   No overtime should be charged in combination with PHE
        *   ~ 75% of Physics working from home
           *   Try to do this! (at least in part)
        *   HR Onboarding
           *   Fermilab figured it out
           *   Might still take a month
        *   Only 2 total NEW 12 GeV publications for lab this year
           *   Get these out!!!
           *   Make this a work from home priority
        *   Thinking out remote ERRs
        *   PAC could be remote – not yet determined
  2.  Robin Wines
     *   SBS
        *   Working on LCW upgrade drawings and analysis; hangers, manifolds, manifold weldment frame
        *   Ordering GEn-RP parts
        *   Analyzing lead wall modifications
        *   Started ECal support frame
        *   Completed upstream scattering chamber clamshell drawings
        *   Working with vendor on clamshell fabrications
     *   SoLID
        *   Working on CLEO magnet test preparation
     *   MOLLER
        *   Project risk review meetings
  3.  Jessie Butler
     *   Worked on SBS scheduling.
     *   Worked with Robin and her team on reviewing drawing for SBS water manifold and target chamber.
     *   Worked on MOLLER risk documentation.
     *   Part of the team that do walk-thru of Physics Division spaces.
     *   Participated in several conference calls:
        *   Hall A weekly, Engineer & Design weekly, MCC Wednesday 1:30, Hall A Tech Staff weekly, and two MOLLER meetings (Tuesday & Thursday).
     *   Worked on Cryo summer down planning and procedures and worked with Whit answering some Cryo questions pertaining to solid.
     *   Worked with Jennifer Williams on the new soldering/ lead training.
        *   She sent the preliminary training to a few people, and asked us to review and give feedback.
     *   Started working with Bob on the removal of the flex line at the pivot.
     *   Took a look at the tech page for things that need to be updated.
     *   Spent a lot of time this week looking over documents to see if there's anything that can be moved to member of the tech staff for review.
     *   Starting this week, I will get them to start reviewing information/documents on the Hall A tech page to see if any needs updating.
     *   Will also work with Robin to see if there's any additional drawings her team need us to review.
  4.  Jack Segal
     *   Andy did a little on schematics
     *   Repositioned fans, changed gas cylinders, played with a heater on SHMS Q3, and a couple of other small things.

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A/C Administrative Assistant
Physics Division
Jefferson Lab

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