[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: June 9, 2020
Stephanie Tysor
stysor at jlab.org
Tue Jul 7 16:56:47 EDT 2020
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: June 9, 2020
1. Thia Keppel
* Senior Staff
* Resumption started yesterday! (6-8-2)
* Demonstration Wednesday
* “Particles for Justice”
* “Shut down Academia”
* As government employees, can’t do this on lab time
* Note that ~ a year ago we couldn’t participate in March for Science
* If you want to join, take vacation time, this is fine
* Time auditing
* Remember to keep track of your time
* Internal started, external to come
* Resumption
* First step – not starting work, but making sure all work can start safely
* Wednesday – some tier 1 essential staff & users (run associated)
* Users are tricky – need some formal documentation
* Come in by invitation only
* FOLLOW RULES – OSP, health card, etc.
* On site yesterday:
* Total 196
* Accelerator 43
* Engineering 29
* Physics 24
* Have list of names who came in
* Its okay to use PHE if necessary if you come on site, but need to be intermittent
* Tier 2 meeting Monday
* NPES schedule draft underway again! (also shorter now)
* 2021 lower E run
* Plans in note for 2022 (text memo)
* Budget numbers changed a bit – working offsite modifies indirect so direct modified
* ……of course, a bit less (not a problem though)
2. Robin Wines
* Continue on ECal platform drawings
* Working on install plans; checking beamline components, layouts and remaining purchases needed
* Continue on LCW checks and manifolds
* Reply from Facilities. They will start scheduling Hall work now that they have tentative dates for the SAD
* supplied RadCon with drawing information for ALARA study
* continue on coil test setup drawings
* prep for collaboration meeting
* Moller
* prep for reviews
* working on integration/interface information
* started detector support meetings
* Preparations for new engineer to start on Monday.
3. Jessie Butler
* Much of the same work as last week.
* Continue working with Robin's team reviewing drawing and walking through SBS alignment process.
* Worked on some MOLLER risk management and begin looking at installation sequence.
* Participated in multiple Bluejean meetings and responding to emails.
* Complete daily walk-thru at jlab
* Continue doing cryo training with Travis.
* Monitor the cryo system remotely.
* Continue working on RHRS decommissioning procedure for SBS installation
* Review some drawings and responded to emails.
* We had our weekly Bluejean's tech staff meeting on Wednesday.
Stephanie Tysor
Hall A/C Administrative Assistant
Physics Division
Jefferson Lab
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