[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: June 16, 2020

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Tue Jul 7 16:58:53 EDT 2020

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: June 16, 2020

  1.  Thia Keppel
     *   Senior Staff Meeting
        *   No meeting next week
        *   Holly started yesterday as A/C Staff – Welcome!
        *   Finance authorized out-of-state working
        *   No political messages on face masks please
        *   Cafeteria open for pre-order only (10 mins ok)
        *   Camille will co-chair D&I Council
        *   No news on new green card/visa policy
        *   Carefully monitoring budget
           *   PHE changed indirect, $ must come from somewhere
           *   All (research budget) travel must be canceled
        *   January 2021 expect SoLID Science Review
        *   Stuart thanked all for slow, careful MEDCON5 approach
        *   Moved to Tier 2 access list for MEDCON5
  2.  Robin Wines
     *   SBS
        *   working on GEp target, shield box and layout clearances
        *   working on BB field clamp and sieve, waiting on sieve pattern
        *   continue on install plans and beamline parts
        *   continue on ECal  support drawings
        *   completed Hodoscope fixtures
        *   working on LCW manifolds
     *   SoLID
        *   working on milestone/schedule updates for coil test
        *   continue on controls for magnet
        *   working on access platforms and cryogen transport lines
     *   MOLLER
        *   continue support for reviews
     *   working on new hire training and updating current training
  3.  Jessie Butler
     *   As the lab moves toward resumption of operation, the tech staff returned to work during the second half of the week to begin restarting equipment for CREX run.
     *   We restarted exit beam line and spectrometers vacuum.
     *   We checked the cryogenic system and did some tuning.
     *   We checked the vacuum along the entrance beam line.
     *   We caught up on our Safety Warden and periodic maintenance checks in the hall and building 98.
     *   We began working on various OSPs and work control documents for resumption of CREX and will begin with SBS documents once we have the green light.
     *   Additionally, most of us had a lot of expired training that we needed to catch up on.

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A/C Administrative Assistant
Physics Division
Jefferson Lab

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