[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: June 2, 2020
Stephanie Tysor
stysor at jlab.org
Wed Jun 10 18:05:33 EDT 2020
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: June 2, 2020
1. Thia Keppel
* Hall A/C summer meeting planned for July 16 – 17, 2020
* Senior Staff
* Resumption not before next week, but likely next week
* Large list of prerequisites (400+ posters) completed last week
* 6/1/20 transition to MEDCON5 submitted to DOE
* Thanks from Stuart to all who helped prepare
* There will be required training to come on site
* SAF003
* Careful about PPE, a resource that we might not be able to refill
* Threshold: decreasing doctor visits, decreasing cases in Virginia, hospital capacity, schools to open
* Phase I is only ~200 people total
* Sign OSP, supervisors to ensure
* There will be a health check card (around site, guard stations)
2. Robin Wines
* Completing checks on LCW documentation
* Reviewed beamline for each experiment, ordering remaining spoolpieces, valves and bellows
* Developed revised design of sieve plate holder and modifications to BB field clamp
* Continue on ECal platform drawings
* Revising Hodoscope gluing jig design
* Vendor provided schedule on clamshell/window delivery, fabrication going well
* Working on manpower needs to complete SBS items
* Continue on installation plan support
* Reviewing options for other Kinematics in GMn
* Reviewing layout and platforms for GEn and checking interferences
* Working on platforms for access in coil test and coil test layout
* Continue on controls for coil test
* Met to review gas system design
* Reviewing manpower needs
* Discussed detector supports and LCW needs
* Reviewing upstream beamline design
* Preparing work plan for new engineer
3. Jessie Butler
* Continue working with Robin's team reviewing drawing and walking through SBS installation and alignment process.
* Participated in multiple Bluejeans meetings and responding to emails.
* Participated in daily walk-thru at jlab
* Continue doing cryo training with Travis.
* Monitor the cryo system remotely.
* Continue working on procedures and review drawings for SBS installation
* Review some drawings and responded to emails
4. Jack Segal
* Troubleshooting water around VDCs (from AC condensation)
Stephanie Tysor
Hall A/C Administrative Assistant
Physics Division
Jefferson Lab
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