[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: May 26, 2020

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Wed Jun 10 17:42:36 EDT 2020

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: May 26, 2020

  1.  Thia Keppel
     *   Senior Staff
        *   Onboarding for Hall A May/June
           *   5/18 David Flay (SSI), Jim Fast (MOLLER PM)
           *   6/16 Holly Szumilla-Vance (SSI)
           *   6/8 Ryan Biraben (Engineer)
           *   Still waiting to hear on Carlos Yero (PD)
        *   No word yet from DOE on resumption of work plan date
           *   Still planning, thinking next week (not final)
        *   Updating MEDCON5 personnel list
           *   Should be small
           *   A/C initial suggestion too large, need to redo
        *   Expect video from Stuart for lab community
        *   There will be a list of prerequisites before operation resumptions
           *   Ed has a PPE form
        *   Document coming!
           *   Signs with room limits (also detector huts as rooms, everywhere)
           *   Rotations for many work areas will be needed
           *   Phased staff arrival
        *   6 weeks is estimate for beam restoration – may be more like mid-July
        *   User space
           *   May require moving around 6 “bull pens”
        *   Limit numbers!
           *   Think carefully about projects, use your judgement
        *   EIC Yellow Report Workshop
           *   Signed JLab/BNL partnership discussed
           *   OPC JLab items mentioned
           *   Unusual for DOE projects (dual lab management), but working ok
           *   Many JLab staff/user talks
  2.  Robin Wines
     *   SBS
        *   Checking complete on LCW drawings
        *   Hodoscope reinforcement complete
        *   Checking of hodoscope sanding jig
        *   Continue on BB field clamp and sieve
        *   Resolving interferences found in looking at installation layout
        *   Concepts done for corrector support for magnet forces
        *   Reviewing pol 3He platforms
        *   Continue on ECal support
     *   SoLID
        *   Working on platforms for test lab coil test
     *   Moller
        *   Reviewing integration of individual WBS
  3.  Jessie Butler
     *   Continue working on SBS scheduling and working with Robin's team reviewing drawing and walking through the alignment process
     *   Participated in multiple Bluejeans meetings and responding to emails
     *   Participating in daily walk-thru at jlab
     *   Continue doing cryo training
     *   Monitor the cryo system remotely
     *   Continue working on procedures and review drawings for SBS installation

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A/C Administrative Assistant
Physics Division
Jefferson Lab

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