[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: May 19, 2020

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Wed Jun 10 17:42:08 EDT 2020

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: May 19, 2020

  1.  Thia Keppel
     *   Senior Staff
        *   Virtual onboarding
           *   5/18 Jim Fast, David Flay
           *   6/16 Holly Szumilla-Vance
        *   8/10 PAC week
        *   ~8/17 Moller Director’s CD-1 Review (3 days, not yet fixed)
        *   4 of 5 EIC OPS activities had kick-off meetings
        *   All-staff from Stuart about EIC organization
           *   JLab ORG chart for EIC includes Rolf, Allison, Andrei, Todd Satogata
           *   Polarimetry, lumi…..all BNL accelerator scope – so not yet in chart, working on this
        *   Resumption of operations
           *   Lab asked to submit plans to site office – hoping for approval this week
           *   Not much changed from last week
           *   5/13 Rolf sent mail – look at 5/26 resumption
              *   Lots of instructions what to do
           *   Distancing and/or PPE
           *   No PHE if you come back at all! (may be a loophole…). Requested an intermittent status – waiting for approval
        *   Need to get staff lists to Rolf (staggered) ASAP for personnel coming back on site
           *   Need for concurrence of operations
           *   Also think about anticipated work (determines PPE)
           *   170 ft2 /person – e.g. in CH upstairs conference room
              *   F-wing effect…..
              *   1 person in Hall Counting House
           *   Large amount of speculation still
           *   Users only by invitation
  2.  Robin Wines
     *   SBS-
        *   GEn-RP detector support/frame parts awarded. Vendor making progress on the weldments.
        *   Vendor making progress on scattering chamber clamshells
        *   Nearing completion of LCW modifcation documentation, drawings reviewed.
        *   Completed hodoscope reinforcement drawings and hodoscope holder drawings
        *   Completed install and alignment plan for beamline support tower. Next plan for beamline install.
        *   Started on design for BB field clamp and sieve plate holder. (reusing existing field clamp modified and possibly sieve plate). Checking layouts for GEn and GMn of BB.
        *   working on ECal support
        *   Started on beamline corrector support brackets
     *   HKS - adding new magnets to experiment model
     *   SoLID
        *   working on CLEO coil test layout, design and controls
     *   MOLLER
        *   supporting CAMs in preparation for collaboration meeting and directors review
  3.  Jessie Butler
     *   Continue working on SBS scheduling.
     *   Attended MOLLER collaboration virtual meeting on Thurday & Friday.
     *   Participated in daily walk-thru at jlab
     *   Continue doing cryo training and monitoring the cryo system remotely
     *   Continue working on procedures and review drawings for SBS installation
  4.  Featured Speaker: Jessie Butler; SAD 2020 SBS Installation Plan

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A/C Administrative Assistant
Physics Division
Jefferson Lab

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