[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: February 11, 2020

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Wed Mar 4 10:27:57 EST 2020

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: February 11, 2020

1.      Thia Keppel

a.       SoLID preCDR submitted from lab to DOE

b.      Senior Staff Meeting

                                                              i.      Safety Flash e-mail yesterday

1.      Another electrical incident

2.      Lessons learned, rad and be aware

                                                            ii.      Follow-up JSA team came last week to follow on previous incidents

1.      Physics has good reputation

2.      One work coordinator a good system

3.      Check your task lists - some need freshening!

                                                          iii.      NPES schedule still not out!

1.      Don't have final FY20/21 budget guidance yet from ONP

                                                          iv.      President's Budget is out

1.      ~ $1M EIC (~ $2B project)

2.      Congress sets the budget, let's see

                                                            v.      Complete your property validation! (and training)

                                                          vi.      Procurement documentation

1.      Need more documentation for foreign engagements (all foreign, not just sensitive)

2.      Procurement will inform as needed

                                                        vii.      Success story - 35 girls on 2/18 for Engineering Day!

1.      Middle School - college

                                                      viii.      Community standards document

1.      We're supposed to show at small meetings

2.      Link on Indico, Hall web pages, etc

3.      Posters are around

                                                          ix.      Lab Management was just at BNL

1.      Agree better off working together

2.      No conclusion yet

3.      List of action items - what to do to work together

4.      They will come here late February

                                                            x.      Test lab weekly fire inspections....lots of debris (foam panels packaging) found laying around

2.      Robin Wines

a.       SBS

                                                              i.      Submitted GEn-RP frame weldments to procurement

                                                            ii.      Costing remaining GEn-RP parts

                                                          iii.      Lead wall design modifications complete and in review

                                                          iv.      Continue on LCW modification drawings

                                                            v.      Reviewing SBS installation needs

b.      Supporting Moller and SoLID as needed

c.       One designer position filled - starts February 17th. Other designer and engineer position in stage of offer

3.      Jessie Butler

a.       Worked on cutting and prepping pipes for the LCW system

b.      Spent time measuring and understanding the exit beam line dimensions

c.       Received and QA another portion of SBS exit beam line tower

d.      Continue working with Engineering and Design team on design of the upgrade for LCW system as well as the lead shielding wall for SBS

e.       Worked on property validations

f.        Had an access to the Hall on Monday during which went down to look over  vacuum and cryogenic system and adjusted lead flows

4.      Run Coordinator - Juan Carlos Cornejo

Stephanie Tysor
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Physics Division
Hall A & C Administrative Assistant
(office)757-269-6005<callto:757-269-6005> (fax)757-269-5235<callto:757-269-5235>

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