[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: May 11, 2021

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Fri Jun 11 14:28:07 EDT 2021

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: May 11, 2021

  1.  Thia Keppel
     *   Senior Staff Meeting
        *   Please send Stephanie percentage of time spent on EIC!
           *   Break down detector, science development, DAQ, software development, & project support in 5% increments okay, average is fine
        *   Expect EIC CD-1 in June/July
        *   C-75 to move to tunnel today
        *   ESR, CHL-2 up!
        *   4K cold box in CHL-1 (O-ring replace)
           *   Might mean 3 week schedule slip
        *   New presumption positive case in test lab last week
        *   May start vaccination tracking
        *   Need to update essential personnel list (for on-site personnel – Mark to make list for SBS)
        *   Mary Jo Bailey new JAG President
        *   Bite size talks & Donuts with the Director continued
           *   See notes
        *   No news yet on when COVID controls will relax
        *   For a lab to work with other labs, need an IEWO
           *   Now also needs site office approval, will take longer (>1 month)
        *   Vulnerability Disclosure Program
           *   People can register & look for cyber vulnerabilities, report to DHS (hacker fun)
           *   Target must respond “with alacrity”
           *   FNAL got hit for public grit hub & other (for things we also do) – way bad press
           *   Difference between open science and sensitive, proprietary information (hackers can’t tell difference)
           *   Expect new requirements, actions from DOE!
  2.  Robin Wines
     *   SBS
        *   Continue on ECal platform updates
        *   Continue on CDet support
        *   Working on catwalk for HRS-R access
        *   Continue supporting installation activities
     *   Moller
        *   Working on shielding
        *   Shielding support analysis and detector supports
        *   Continue on project documents and design reviews
     *   SoLID
        *   Continue on prep for coil tests
        *   Working with collaborators on detector designs
  3.  Jessie Butler
     *   Hall A crane is still down; No mobile crane in use at the moment…
     *   Repair N2 leak in distribution can snout
     *   Finish installing decking and handrails on HCAL platform
     *   Layout holes for mounting SBS field clamp to magnet
     *   Begin fabricating cable support posts needed for SBS running
     *   Inventory remaining equipment for BB, SBS, and Exit Beamline Tower
     *   Work with Robin’s team on RHRS access platform and SBS water manifold
     *   Work on SBS motioning system (on-going)
     *   Counting House renovation (on-going)
     *   Began installing decking and hand rails on HCAL platform

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A/C Administrative Assistant
Physics Division
Jefferson Lab

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