[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: January 12, 2021

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Wed May 19 18:46:03 EDT 2021

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: January 12, 2021

  1.  Thia Keppel
     *   Hall A & C Collaboration Meetings end of this month! Mark your calendars!
        *   Hall A – January 21 – 22, 2021
        *   Hall C – January 28 – 29, 2021
     *   Senior Staff
        *   EIC
           *   FY21 final budget $30M (assumed was $43M, but FY20 was $11M)
           *   Split among OPC and TEC funds also a challenge
           *   Accelerator meeting with Spain/Bilbao and UK this week
           *   Independent Cost Review started last week, digging in risk, costs. This week project overview & cost talks
        *   Accelerator
           *   New acting head source group (Joe Grames)
           *   Matt Poelker is now lead beam reproducibility working with Camille
           *   New bellows for warm grinder regions do not fit, likely due to old mismatch drawings and actual. Need to send. Impact being studied.
        *   Engineering
           *   Would like to know about cryo needs for CLEO-II magnet test this Fall. (RE: Dave or P&C meeting?)
        *   Computing
           *   A14NP school this week, Amber at introduction/welcome >330 registered attendants!
           *   New order -> will get new badges generic for all labs
           *   Adobe flash – obsolete but some forgot to update application, note that even if installed it will not run!
           *   Other issue is some training modules used it
        *   ES&H
           *   COVID surge past holidays
           *   Thursday 21st another accountability drill
        *   Business/Finance
           *   Sent time sheet recording numbers for month of December (recall: must do daily now…)
        *   Human Resources
           *   TRC meetings started Monday, will go on for coming 2 weeks
        *   Planning Office
           *   Lab Management Budget Briefing scheduled for February 19th
           *   Budget Review Board next and final round of adjustments: strawman ready but wait for FY21 budget numbers, indications are there will be cut with respect to flat FY20 budget
        *   Further news
           *   Virtual PAC this summer week starting July 19
           *   Call for proposals went out, due date May 24
           *   Committee appointed for review of GlueX status of exotic data analysis review: polling committee for late March dates
           *   Friday meeting ONP with Lab Directors to discuss logic of budget decisions
           *   Electrical Safety certification (for 50V) will run out May 31st if new classes aren’t taken
              *   May not be in your JTA (will be added later, Q2 sub Q1)
           *   Yellow Report community input incorporated mostly now
              *   >800 pages
           *   Recent HDice tests indicate target will not be viable for science plan as proposed
  2.  Robin Wines
     *   SBS
        *   Scattering chamber clamshell windows are complete and onsite
        *   Ordering frame parts for 2nd UV-UVA GEM assembly, assisting in finding parts for 1st assembly
        *   Working on ECAL platform/support design
        *   Starting on RICH detector support
        *   Providing data for alignment and installation
        *   Checking GEp and GEn layouts
     *   MOLLER
        *   Working on PION detector
        *   Shielding around target area
        *   Upstream beamline
        *   Pivot/link load analysis
        *   P6 updates and project documents
     *   SoLID
        *   Prep for collaboration meeting
        *   Continue prep for coil tests
     *   Working on LCW documentation
     *   Putting together space requirements, this is what I have been given so far
     *   ECAL – now until June 2022, existing space of 22’ x 52’
     *   CDET – now until June 2022, existing space
     *   RICH detector – May 2021 until May 2023, 25’ x 29’
     *   GEMs- now until June 2022, existing space in TestLab Cleanroom
  3.  Jessie Butler
     *   Continue working to decommission RHRS
     *   Move APEX magnet to ESB (Require RADCON support)
     *   Remove power outlets from exit beamline girder (FML)
     *   Cut exit beamline girder off of pivot and remove from hall
     *   Continue relocating electrical equipment where RHRS will be parked (FML)
     *   Add wall brackets to new LCW pipes per Whit's guidance, Send him measurements once done
     *   Clear space and layout shield hut bunker
     *   Start building shield hut base
     *   Fabricate helium valve for transfer line removal (Cryo Group)
  4.  Jack Segal
     *   INFN GEM Detectors - Frame Assembly
        *   Frame sent to have cable mounting plates welded on, returned to Test Lab.
        *   Change in plans to use (2) INFN chamber layers, ongoing discussion with designer regarding mounting and shims for the (2) UVa layers. (The UVa "UV" layer)
     *   Glasgow Timing Hodoscope - Rebuild is Complete!
        *   The last set of counters were installed this week. (Ralph and Maria)
        *   Repair of broken signal cables, check for loose or broken HV connectors on tube bases.
        *   Timing hodoscope powered and taking cosmics data.
        *   Plans for protection cage panel over both sides after testing complete. Requires mounting out further, original protection cage would require decabling and feeding cables back through it, also will not allow PMT removal if needed.
     *   BigBite DAQ
        *   Fabrication of ribbon cables for timing hodoscope rack connections.
        *   Reconfiguration of some rack equipment, moving crates etc.
        *   Removal of Fastbus power supply. one Fastbus power supply and crate remains in operation.
     *   Solid Prototype Detector Testing - in Test Lab (Jixie Zhang)
        *   Packed up detectors and equipment for transport to Fermilab for two week beamline studies. (Jixie rented a van, left this week). Property pass for equipment signed and on file.
     *   ECAL Lead Glass Blocks - Blocks sent for cutting
        *   ECAL blocks sent to have ends trimmed off, picked up this week by vendor.
        *   Blocks are the remainder needed for ECAL detector assembly, had remnants of broken off light pipe one end. (will be trimmed off, possibly polished at Jlab when returned).
     *       GEM DAQ in TEDF
        *   Outfitting of relay rack near GEM detectors at front end of BigBite detector.
        *   Running of network and fiber optic cables.
        *   Installation of requested NIM bin in rack for CAEN HV power supply modules.
     *   UVa GEM Layer installed in BigBite Detector Frame
        *   GEM layer cabled by UVa group, gas flow using UHP nitrogen started 12/23 and continues.
     *   GEM Prototype Gas Panel
        *   Leaks being investigated by George Jacobs, pressure panel taken off site.

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A/C Administrative Assistant
Physics Division
Jefferson Lab

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