[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: March 16, 2021

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Wed May 19 18:51:01 EDT 2021

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: March 16, 2021

1.     Thia Keppel

     *   No Senior Staff Meeting

2.     Robin Wines

a.      SBS

        *   Working on RICH detector and SIDIS layout
        *   Installation setups for GMn
        *   Compass design for GEn target
        *   Lifting analysis for CDet panel assembly
        *   Support of CDet
        *   ECal details
        *   Flow calculations for GEM gas system

b.     MOLLER

        *   Pion lead donut and beampipe alignment mechanism
        *   Detector A-frame support
        *   Shielding details around target
        *   Reviewing blue platform modifications
        *   Starting shielding and support design around pivot area
        *   Continue on beamline

c.      SoLID

        *   Participation in review
        *   CCR arrived and working on acceptance testing
        *   Continue prep for coil testing

3.     Jessie Butler

     *   Hall A crane is still down…
     *   Continue 2MVA power upgrade work (FML) – on-going
     *   Begin removing paint on overhead crane welds as prep work for inspection (FML)
     *   Re-install eyewash station in Hall (FML)
     *   Inspect cables in area of ground water leak repair in Compton area – on-going (several groups involved)
     *   Begin laying out SBS floor plates with Barnhart (subcontractor)
     *   Worked with Hall A Designer (Chris) and S&A to verify SBS floor plates and BB track layout.
     *   Continue redoing hangers for LCW system
     *   Continue working on Counting House renovation – on-going
     *   Make additional shims needed for HCAL modules
     *   Breakdown SBS counterweight assembly in Test Lab
     *   Transport Remaining SBS floor plates to Hall
     *   Drill new lifting holes in SBS floor plates moved from Test Lab
     *   Work on property validation (all tech staff members)

4.     Jack Segal

     *   Chuck has been busy with odds and ends for SBS and BB
        *    He and Ethan are looking at fitting some new power supplies into the old VME crates
     *   Ethan has been cleaning up after some of his old projects, helping with the kerr effect, working on the polarity reversal switches for the corrector coils
     *   Heidi worked on finishing the cool down in Hall C and looking after various problems that were noted
     *   Joe was working on the HMS power supplies. He and Steven have noted some problems that they are looking into. I'm letting them work through it. If it goes on too long I'll wander down and see what I can do. Some fluster due to me not putting a safety course on his JTA, I missed checking a box.
     *   Hall A will need to relocate the supply for the 4th quad and what do we do about the other three quad supplies that are old and of dubious reliability.
     *   Whit got a chance to give me part numbers for relief valves and restrictor
for the GEMs gas system. I now have them on hand. The 2MVA upgrade seems to be going along nicely in Hall A. Just trying to keep things moving.

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A/C Administrative Assistant
Physics Division
Jefferson Lab

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