[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: May 4, 2021

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Wed May 19 18:53:40 EDT 2021

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: May 4, 2021

  1.  Thia Keppel
     *   Senior Staff
        *   May 18 S&T visit
        *   EIC CD-1 may be July
        *   C≠5 tests complete, maybe one with 66MeV gain
        *   CHL2K 5 cold compressors working, ready to commission!
        *   4K cold box has leak in bad spot (O-ring near bottom)
        *   May 15 phone outage!
        *   No new positive COVID cases, no new contact either
        *   Area below 25% site occupancy max – lab can request more on-site work now
        *   Weekly Briefs will have info on TAs needed for virtual conferences or foreign meetings
        *   80% of all countries still on US “do not travel” list….be careful even of personal travel
        *   PREX2 getting nice press
        *   Weekly Brief on how to report vaccination status to OccMed, lab may need to be vaccinated to come onsite
           *   See email from Stuart
           *   Expect MedCon5 through at least to end of May
        *   Janet retiring
           *   Stephanie to replace! Congrats!
           *   Brittany also moving Divisions to ES&H
           *   Will post the 2 positions
           *   Let Steph know early if you need anything
        *   Property Inventory ongoing
           *   Can come on site to do (meeting all other requirements)
  2.  Robin Wines
     *   SBS
        *   Completed LCW pressure test
        *   Working on magnet LCW manifolds
        *   Working on test fit of gasket for sealing target chamber window, working on catwalk/platform for HRS-R access
        *   Procuring new field clamp standoffs(old ones are hot)
        *   HCal pivot rollers in machine shop
        *   SBS coil brackets being fabricated
        *   New beamline lead in procurement
        *   Drawings of supports of beamline lead near completion
        *   Continue on ECal lifting part of support drawings
        *   Updated CDet model with measured dimensions
        *   Continue checking GEp layouts
        *   Corrector magnets being tested and modifying leads
     *   Moller
        *   Continue on shielding
        *   Detector supports
        *   Beamline, cryocan support and documents
     *   SoLID
        *   Continue prep for coil tests
  3.  Jessie Buter
     *   Hall A crane is still down; No mobile crane in use at the moment…
     *   Continue preliminary alignment of SBS and BB equipment
     *   Completed pressure test of LCW and return the system to service.
     *   Continue working with Robin’s team on water manifold layout for SBS magnet
     *   Continue with Counting House renovation
     *   Began installing decking and hand rails on HCAL platform.

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A/C Administrative Assistant
Physics Division
Jefferson Lab

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