[Hallb] Fw: Request for Input for Operations Review Worksheet_Scientists by name

Patrick Achenbach patricka at jlab.org
Fri May 24 15:37:29 EDT 2024

Dear Hall-B scientists (others can ignore),
I am asking you to fill out another spreadsheet for the Physics Division:

[https://res.cdn.office.net/assets/mail/file-icon/png/xlsx_16x16.png]Operations Report_Scientist Information_Funding.xlsx<https://jeffersonlab-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/personal/patricka_jlab_org/Documents/Operations%20Report_Scientist%20Information_Funding.xlsx?d=w91ab836d49394d0d8013a58204f532f7&csf=1&web=1&e=pTkZhU>

You can find the deadline and some information below. Let me know if you have problems accessing the file.

Thank you for your cooperation,
Have a nice extended weekend!

From: Pamela Cole <pcole at jlab.org>
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2024 14:39
To: Rolf Ent <ent at jlab.org>; Chris Cuevas <cuevas at jlab.org>; Mark Kevin Jones <jones at jlab.org>; Drew Weisenberger <drew at jlab.org>; Patrick Achenbach <patricka at jlab.org>; Christopher Keith <ckeith at jlab.org>; Eugene Chudakov <gen at jlab.org>; Amrit Yegneswaran <yeg at jlab.org>; Douglas Higinbotham <doug at jlab.org>; Ruben Fair <fair at jlab.org>
Cc: Cynthia (Thia) Keppel <keppel at jlab.org>; Patrizia Rossi <rossi at jlab.org>
Subject: RE: Request for Input for Operations Review Worksheet_Scientists by name

Hall and Group Leaders,

As discussed in yesterday’s email (below), scientists were excluded from the worksheet. Now we must create a worksheet specifically for the scientists, listed by name. This request is based on your good work with the Comparative Review research report and a request from Paul Mantica. Hence, in the attachment, we are applying the same approach/methodology, i.e., tasks with "yes"/"no" for each Scientist.  However, unlike the Comparative Review, this analysis is for only Operations funding (the other 75%) - so it’s the tasks we excluded before.

Therefore, please complete the worksheet. Upon opening it, you will see the tasks in the following operations areas: building experimental equipment, operating experimental equipment, calibrating experimental equipment, DAQ electronics development, sitting shifts, serving as Run Coordinator, Physics liaison, and preparing requisite safety documentation. You will enter either “Yes” or “No”. Please also note that you may need to edit/update the names for your group to ensure accuracy.

Lastly, for staff who are not on a 75/25 ops/research or 50/50 (for Post Docs) split, please indicate the percentage dedicated to other support and the funding source for it; use MOLLER, EIC Project, LDRD, ECA, DOE Fusion, or “other”. Otherwise, the last two columns in the worksheet will be left blank.

This document is due back to me by COB Monday, June 3, 2024. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out. Enjoy your Memorial Day!

Thank you!


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