[Jlabsa_gs] Gordon Conference on Photonuclear Reactions (7-12 August 2022)- a message from Douglas Higinbotham

Lorelei Carlson lorelei at jlab.org
Fri May 20 09:17:47 EDT 2022

Join us at the 2022 Gordon Conference on Photonuclear Reactions: Frontiers in Nuclear and Hadronic Physics

August 7-12, 2022 at the Holderness School, Holderness, NH

Program and Application: <https://www.grc.org/photonuclear-reactions-conference/2018/> https://www.grc.org/photonuclear-reactions-conference/2022/

​Photonuclear Reactions is a forum for the presentation and discussion of the most recent and exciting results in a wide range of subatomic physics topics. Since 1959, the Photonuclear Gordon Research Conference has been a preeminent meeting for the discussion of new ideas and results, even at the preliminary stage, providing ample and unique opportunities for young scientists and leading researchers to interact in the most scientifically stimulating environment. Senior researchers and younger colleagues are housed on campus at the Holderness School, and can meet in an informal, yet rigorous atmosphere. Participation from students and junior researchers is particularly encouraged.

Topics for the 2022 conference are: New Results in Precision Hadron Structure with Electromagnetic Probes, Femtography of Hadrons, Electrons for Neutrinos, Hadrons in the Nuclear Medium, Low-Energy Precision Physics and Applications, Hadron Spectroscopy, From QCD to Gravitational Waves, Nuclear Physics and Quantum Information Science, Physics with an Electron-Ion Collider.

The conference is structured around invited morning and evening talks, and poster sessions. The afternoons from 1:30-4:00pm are left free to promote discussions, exchange of new ideas, and connections among colleagues, while also allowing attendees to enjoy the many outdoor activities offered by the area.

Poster Competition

A poster competition will be organized at the beginning of the conference, and the best theory poster and experimental poster presenters will be rewarded with the chance to present their research in a short talk during the conference. The posters will remain on display throughout the conference to promote extended and in-depth discussions.

Conference Fees​

The cost to conference participants for registration, meals, and a ​single room is $950 ($900 for a shared room). If you wish to stay off-site, the fee is $750 to cover the cost of registration and meals. It is possible to be accompanied by one or more guests for an additional fee. Even if you register at the off-site rate, it is anticipated that you will eat meals on-site with the other attendees. See http://www.grc.org/regpay.aspx for more information.

​Financial Support

Limited but substantial support ($500)  is available to help defray the registration, with priority given to students and postdocs who will register early by June 15. The interested early career researchers should fill out this GoogleForm<https://forms.gle/fAFSXVBYmiP6xZjQ6> before May 31 to receive full consideration. The award notification and followup steps to receive the support will be sent out in early June.

Other funding opportunities include:

  *   the Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority Fellowships*
  *   the Predominantly Undergraduate Institution (PUI) Fund ($600)*

* Please follow the instructions provided here: https://www.grc.org/about/grc-diversity-initiatives


​Please ​visit https://www.grc.org/photonuclear-reactions-conference/2022<https://www.grc.org/photonuclear-reactions-conference/2018/> to see the program and apply for an invitation to attend this conference. The deadline for applications (no support) is July 10th, 2022.

A Satellite Workshop on Frontiers & Careers

A workshop on "Frontiers & Careers" for graduate students and junior postdocs is being independently organized just before and not far away from this Gordon conference. This workshop is a great opportunity for young scientists to discuss career options and pathways both in academia and outside. It is possible to meet and connect with fellow young scientists beforehand, and then enjoy the Gordon conference together. We strongly encourage our junior attendees to also consider participating in the Frontiers & Careers workshop. More information on this workshop is available at https://frontiers.mit.edu/.

Statement on Coronavirus Outbreak

The Gordon Research Conferences (GRC)  is continuing to monitor developments related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and is working closely with the conference chairs to address the impact of the disease on their conferences.  The safety of our attendees is always GRC’s highest priority and we will continue to monitor the situation.   GRC’s management team and Board of Trustees will continue to monitor the situation, and post additional information in the months leading up to the start of the season.

GRC remains committed to our mission to advance the frontiers of science and provide an international forum for the presentation and discussion of frontier research in the biological, chemical, physical and engineering sciences, and their interfaces. Now more than ever, we look forward to continuing to carry out our mission.

The health and safety of our attendees remain GRC’s top priorities, and we will:

  *   require proof of COVID-19 vaccination and booster shot (for eligible individuals) from all registered attendees and guests*,
  *   continue to monitor all health and safety guidelines provided by the federal and state governments,
  *   continue to work closely with our venues to take all necessary precautions and welcome our attendees back safely,
  *   provide information about testing availability in the area of our venues and recommend that attendees bring their own COVID-19 at-home rapid tests,
  *   and offer GRC masks and KN95 masks to all attendees.

Please visit our COVID-19 protocol pages<https://www.grc.org/covid-19-protocols-and-travel-information/> and venue information pages<https://www.grc.org/venues/> for venue-specific COVID-19 related protocols in the location where your conference is being held. Thank you for your continued support of GRC, and we look forward to seeing you in person soon.

Best regards,

Huey-Wen Lin (Chair),  Douglas Higinbotham and Marc Vanderhaeghen​ (Vice Chairs)

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