[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: January 26, 2021

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Wed May 19 18:47:14 EDT 2021

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: January 26, 2021

  1.  Thia Keppel
     *   Senior Staff Meeting
        *   February 9th – SCIENCE Review, no senior staff
        *   Engineering
           *   2K cold box making good progress, gave mice thanks to Physics for welder loan
           *   Reworked SAD schedule
           *   Looking at restart plans
        *   Accelerator
           *   SAD work continuing in tunnels
        *   Accelerator and Engineering: gave initial feedback on CY2022 run possibilities
        *   CST
           *   Working with A&E firm (with Faciities) on possible scope towards high-performance data facility
        *   Course 30790, Crucial Conversations Course (for supervisor)
        *   Engaging Industry Partners Course – see Stuart’s email!
        *   Additional beam off time is required for SRF maintenance, both during maintenance and during Physics assume weeks
           *   One Physics week = 156 hours (before 164)
           *   One Physics restore week = 128 hours (before 144)
           *   This has to do with how DOE counts up time during restoration
        *   ES&H
           *   Accountability drill went well – record time
        *   HR
           *   Received final guidance from DOE on D&I plan of last year – mainly more metrics to be reported on
           *   Science bowls proceeding but remote
           *   Update on annual salaries review, salary system opened up on February 12th for adjustments
        *   Tech Transfer
           *   Engagement industry partners
        *   Beam Recovery for Physics
           *   Firm goal is restart of Physics by mid-August which is the latest date to still complete the planned run in CY2021
           *   Accelerator/beam recovery period must be planned to expedite this, folding in:
              *   COVID-19 effects on work durations
              *   Extensive injector & cryomodule commissioning need
              *   Empirical evidence for recovery time from 2020 restart
              *   Activities that can begin with the N. Linac at 2K on CHL2 as concurrent with 2K coldbox commissioning on CHL2 & S. Linac
        *   Schedule
           *   FY21
              *   10/1/21 – 45/21/21 11.5 weeks, low E
              *   4/25/22 – beam recovery start
              *   5/2/22 - 9/30/22 21.5 weeks
        *   FY22 Budget
           *   For now, wishfully, assume 34 weeks – unlikely but let’s ask
           *   Run up through December plan at least
           *   15 weeks SAD to install 4 cryomodules (higher E+ improved maintenance)
        *   EIC – CD-1 Review today through the rest of week
  2.  Robin Wines
     *   SBS
        *   Working on ECal and CDet supports
        *   Assisting with GEMs for BB
        *   Ordered frame parts for 2nd UV GEM
        *   Checking nw proposed layouts for GMn run group
        *   Working on documentation for LCW and cryo can modifications
        *   Continue on GEn target parts
     *   MOLLER
        *   Working on upstream beamline
        *   Pion donut & beampipe support
        *   Shielding around target, utility platform modifications and project documents
     *   SoLID
        *   Working on turret support and test plans for the coil
     *   Submitted space requirements for SBS and CLEO coil test
  3.  Jessie Butler
     *   LHRS shield hut AHU maintenance (FML)
     *   Continue relocating electrical panel/equipment near roll up door (FML/subcontractors)
     *   Finish removing Target Group equipment (Target Group/Hall A)
     *   Finish clearing floor space for LHRS movement
     *   Move LHRS to ~100 degrees
     *   Continue building upstream shielded bunker
     *   Mount new handrails on side of LHRS
     *   Met with FML to discuss replacement of AHU.
     *   Took Trash out and did hall cleanup on Friday
  4.  Featured Speaker: Ole Hansen; Status of Counting House Renovation & Upgrade

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A/C Administrative Assistant
Physics Division
Jefferson Lab

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