July 2018 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Jul 2 15:10:25 EDT 2018
Ending: Thu Jul 26 09:44:12 EDT 2018
Messages: 22
- [Cuga] **Today** Pizza Seminar - Wednesday, July 18, 2018 - A Message From Lorelei Carlson
Jodi Patient
- [Cuga] **Today** Summer Lecture Series - Thursday, July 12, 2018
Jodi Patient
- [Cuga] **Today** Summer Lecture Series - Thursday, July 19, 2018
Jodi Patient
- [Cuga] **Today** Summer Lecture Series - Thursday, July 5, 2018
Jodi Patient
- [Cuga] **Today** Summer Lecture Series - Tuesday, July 03, 2018
Jodi Patient
- [Cuga] **Today** Summer Lecture Series - Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Jodi Patient
- [Cuga] **Today** Summer Lecture Series - Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Jodi Patient
- [Cuga] *2nd circular* Hadron 2018- a message from Jian Zhou
Lorelei Carlson
- [Cuga] 12 GeV Beam Parameters - a message from R. Ent/A. Freyberger for the NPES committee.
Lorelei Carlson
- [Cuga] 57th Course of the International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts (ISODARCO)- a message from Alessandro Pascolini
Lorelei Carlson
- [Cuga] Announcement of LCWS2018- a message from Andy White
Lorelei Carlson
- [Cuga] Announcement of Linear Collider Workshop 2018- a message from Andy White
Lorelei Carlson
- [Cuga] JLab Scientific Symposium Scheduled, Aug. 24 - a message from the JLab Communications Office
JLab Communications Office
- [Cuga] JLab Weekly - a message from the JLab Communications Office
JLab Communications Office
- [Cuga] JLab Weekly - a message from the JLab Communications Office
JLab Communications Office
- [Cuga] JLab Weekly - a message from the JLab Communications Office
JLab Communications Office
- [Cuga] JLab Weekly - a message from the JLab Communications Office
JLab Communications Office
- [Cuga] Nominate a candidate for the Executive Committee of DNP today- a message from Julie Roche
Lorelei Carlson
- [Cuga] PAC46 Report now available- a message from Bob McKeown
Lorelei Carlson
- [Cuga] Pizza Seminar - Wednesday, July 18, 2018 - A Message From Lorelei Carlson
Jodi Patient
- [Cuga] Special Summer Lecture Series Speaker - Tuesday, July 24, 2018 - A Message From Lorelei Carlson
Jodi Patient
- [Cuga] SPIN2018: abstract submission extended until the end of July- a message from Frank Maas
Lorelei Carlson
Last message date:
Thu Jul 26 09:44:12 EDT 2018
Archived on: Thu Jul 26 09:44:16 EDT 2018
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