February 2019 Archives by date
Starting: Sat Feb 2 11:09:23 EST 2019
Ending: Thu Feb 28 16:49:25 EST 2019
Messages: 63
- [Clas12_rgb] minutes of Friday's meeting and apologies
silvia at jlab.org
- [Clas12_rgb] minutes of Friday's meeting and apologies
- [Clas12_rgb] minutes of Friday's meeting and apologies
silvia at jlab.org
- [Clas12_rgb] Update
Silvia Niccolai
- [Clas12_rgb] Status update and Shifts
Maurizio Ungaro
- [Clas12_rgb] shift status update
Maurizio Ungaro
- [Clas12_rgb] cooked file location and log, new file for testing
Zhiwen Zhao
- [Clas12_rgb] cooked file location and log, new file for testing
Valery Kubarovsky
- [Clas12_rgb] cooked file location and log, new file for testing
Zhiwen Zhao
- [Clas12_rgb] cooked file location and log, new file for testing
Yordanka Ilieva
- [Clas12_rgb] test
- [Clas12_rgb] daily RC meeting
Yordanka Ilieva
- [Clas12_rgb] Bluejeans meeting id for daily RC meeting
Yordanka Ilieva
- [Clas12_rgb] Status Update
Maurizio Ungaro
- [Clas12_rgb] RGB meeting tomorrow at 8:30AM - agenda
silvia at jlab.org
- [Clas12_rgb] NO TCB meeting tofay
- [Clas12_rgb] daily RC meeting today at 2 pm
Yordanka Ilieva
- [Clas12_rgb] Fwd: CLAS12 detector systems response, run 6157
Zhiwen Zhao
- [Clas12_rgb] RGB run list on Google
Yordanka Ilieva
- [Clas12_rgb] RGB run list on Google
Valery Kubarovsky
- [Clas12_rgb] cooking status update
Zhiwen Zhao
- [Clas12_rgb] cooking status update
Francois-Xavier Girod
- [Clas12_rgb] cooking status update
Silvia Niccolai
- [Clas12_rgb] cooking status update
Francois-Xavier Girod
- [Clas12_rgb] cooking status update
Silvia Niccolai
- [Clas12_rgb] cooking status update
Zhiwen Zhao
- [Clas12_rgb] cooking status update
Francois-Xavier Girod
- [Clas12_rgb] cooking status update
Valery Kubarovsky
- [Clas12_rgb] cooking status update
Francois-Xavier Girod
- [Clas12_rgb] cooking status update
Francois-Xavier Girod
- [Clas12_rgb] cooking status update
Zhiwen Zhao
- [Clas12_rgb] cooking status update
Stepan Stepanyan
- [Clas12_rgb] RGB meeting tomorrow at 8:30AM - agenda
silvia at jlab.org
- [Clas12_rgb] cooking status update
Zhiwen Zhao
- [Clas12_rgb] (no subject)
Rafayel Paremuzyan
- [Clas12_rgb] cooking status update
Valery Kubarovsky
- [Clas12_rgb] cooking status update
Valery Kubarovsky
- [Clas12_rgb] TCB & RC RGB meeting
- [Clas12_rgb] New electron trigger, starting from run 6243
Stepan Stepanyan
- [Clas12_rgb] Refocntruction efficiency
Stepan Stepanyan
- [Clas12_rgb] RC meeting at 2pm
Stepan Stepanyan
- [Clas12_rgb] CD tracking efficiency
Stepan Stepanyan
- [Clas12_rgb] Hall is down due to magnets
Stepan Stepanyan
- [Clas12_rgb] No RC meeting today
Stepan Stepanyan
- [Clas12_rgb] RC meeting today at 2 pm
Stepan Stepanyan
- [Clas12_rgb] RC meeting at 2pm
Stepan Stepanyan
- [Clas12_rgb] cooking status update
Zhiwen Zhao
- [Clas12_rgb] RGB meeting tomorrow (2/22), tentative agenda
Silvia Niccolai
- [Clas12_rgb] RGB meeting tomorrow (2/22), tentative agenda
Valery Kubarovsky
- [Clas12_rgb] RGB meeting tomorrow (2/22), tentative agenda
Stepan Stepanyan
- [Clas12_rgb] [New Logentry] RC summary Feb 21
hauenst at jlab.org
- [Clas12_rgb] RGB meeting tomorrow (2/22), tentative agenda
Silvia Niccolai
- [Clas12_rgb] Run wiki updates
Yordanka Ilieva
- [Clas12_rgb] cooking status update
Zhiwen Zhao
- [Clas12_rgb] TCB & RC RGB meeting
- [Clas12_rgb] No daily meeting
hauenst at jlab.org
- [Clas12_rgb] [New Logentry] RC Summary Feb 24
hauenst at jlab.org
- [Clas12_rgb] RC daily meeting at 2pm at CH
Florian Hauenstein
- [Clas12_rgb] [New Logentry] RC Summary Fe 26
hauenst at jlab.org
- [Clas12_rgb] [New Logentry] RC update Feb 27
hauenst at jlab.org
- [Clas12_rgb] RC daily meeting at 2pm at CH
Silvia Niccolai
- [Clas12_rgb] RC meeting today at 2PM
silvia at jlab.org
- [Clas12_rgb] RGB meeting tomorrow at 8:30AM - agenda
silvia at jlab.org
Last message date:
Thu Feb 28 16:49:25 EST 2019
Archived on: Thu Feb 28 16:49:27 EST 2019
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).